This project was started to help our own Father Biabandi with his parish duties in Rwanda. The long distances that he must travel on foot in order to tend to his parish is very strenuous in Rwanda (known as a “land of a thousand hills”). This project is attempting to raise money to purchase Father a small motor bike so he can more easily tend to his parish.

From Father Biabandi:

This proposal has to do with means of rural transportation & communication. As a parish pastor, it is extremely hard to get in touch with other people with difficulties, like the large population of widows (some of whom can't even leave their residence). The long distances that I travel on foot in order to make home visits to administer sacraments to the sick, old, and bed-ridden Christians is very difficult. We need a good motor bicycle to get to them in a timely manner. Knowing that a vehicle is rather expensive, I wish to ask our Brother Knights for help in purchasing a motor bicycle.  A good and strong one for Rwanda (a country of a thousand hills) costs about two million Rwandan Francs (2,000,000 Frw). This is the equivalent of approximately $1,941.00 USD.


With support from the Juneau area Knights of Columbus (Archbishop Segher’s Council 1760, Bishop Kenny’s Council 11757, and Bishop Crimont Assembly 1992), Father Biabandi was able to purchase a small motorbike to help with his parish travels. He wants to thank everyone for their support!